Women’s Contact Society
Become a Childcare Operator
Williams Lake Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR)
How to become a child care operator
High-quality child care is extremely important in the lives of children and families. It helps children to develop skills they will need for the rest of their lives; it supports families in their child-rearing role by providing a warm and nurturing environment for their children as well as knowledgeable and empathetic adults who are their willing partners in this enterprise; and it plays an important role in the community’s ability to support the business of living their lives. Quality child care should support a child’s emotional, social, intellectual and physical well-being.
The first step in becoming a childcare provider is determining what type of care you would like to provide.
License-Not-Required (LNR) Child Care
A childcare provider can look after a maximum of two children in addition to those related to them by blood or marriage without a community care facilities license. This is referred to as License-Not-Required care or LNR.
Licensed Child Care
In BC, anyone providing care for three or more children not related to the operator by blood or marriage requires a community care facilities license. Licensed care can take place in an operator’s home (licensed family child care) as well as in a community or commercial setting (licensed group child care).
To learn more about licensed child care, please contact your local Child Care licensing office.
Operator Resources and Information
The Province of B.C. has a helpful website with everything you need to know about running a licensed child care facility. Visit their website to learn about operating requirements, funding options and support resources.
Williams Lake Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR)
Williams Lake Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) is a program of the Women’s Contact Society, a non-profit, registered charity. The CCRR promotes quality child care in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region by supporting child care providers, parents and community partners with child care and childhood development.
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